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Göran Petersson was born in Kalmar, Sweden 1945. After finishing school in the city, he educated him to be a sign painter. Under this time he also did restoration of old and antique furniture and with gilding work of various. He did drawings and paintings in parallel during this time.

In the mid 70's, when his exhibitions began to be recognized, Göran became a full time artist. Like most animal and nature painters, he calls himself self-taught. The nature has always been his university. He works primarily with oils and watercolors but is also an accomplished cartoonist. His knowledge of nature, and perhaps most especially ornithology, along with a lifetime of drawing and painting in the open air, has made him a respected name among nature painter.

Göran Petersson is a member of the compounds Swedish Artists, Nordic Wildlife Art and och Konstmajrundan (Öland) in which he also is a board member.

He is also represented by the State Art Council, Dalarnas museum and several county councils and municipalities. Göran is also engaged by the Environmental Protection Agency and has received various artistic mission of hunting associations, schools, association house and art collectors throughout Europe.

Bild på Göran

© 2022 Göran Petersson
Sönnerborgsvägen 12, 386 95 Färjestaden. Phone: 070-580 66 23